Monday, October 19, 2009

fugure drawing: 1st study of a nude model.

Dear Readers,

I've taken a huge step into the art world. And I'm really excited about having practically doubled my portfolio in just one day.
Now please don't be too scandalised, but last weekend... I drew a nude model. yup, this lady was totally naked... (gasp, i know shocking, eh.) seriously though, it was so amazing. I'll admit I was kinda nervous about attending the class; I didn't know if it would be awkward or if the model would be in weird poses or what. But is was so cool. I learned so much in just one class and I could see improvements in my sketches from the first few I did to the last few.
The atmosphere in the little studio was so good. they were playing Gregorian chant and early polyphony in the background. the model was very comfortable and tasteful with her poses and movements. we had to do really quick sketches at the beginning and end of class as the model slowly moved around in diferent positions, doing this contemporary dance-thing, and for a little more than a third of the class time she did 10 and 15 minute still poses which allowed the artists to study the figure and do more detailed drawings or paintings. Some of the other artists' paintings were so beautiful.
Attending this class was a very good experience. Everyone in the room was very professional and peaceful. they were all so focused and happily hard at work in this amazing little space of creativity and learning.
While my sketches paled in comparison to those of the more experienced artists(all the other artists had at least 20 years on me), i thought it would be nice to share a few of my sketches and drawings with you.

WARNING!!! these photos may contain a naked woman. But don't worry guys, I'm only posting the ones where you can't really see anything (and in the 2nd last one, i blurred out the "bad parts" with photoshop.)









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