Thursday, September 24, 2009

Google pics.

Today I'm uploading (with my oh so awesome on-again/off-again internet connection) some pictures (merci à google) of day-to-day stuff I see in the 7th (i.e. my area/ neighborhood in Paris) unfortunately the pics loaded in backwards order, and i can't re-arrange them... but please enjoy nonetheless.
Rue St. Dominique. This is where I do my groceries and get coffee.
And if you come visit me, I'll take you here.
This is a typical French boy.
I don't even know who this kid is, but he's so French!
Pastries are EVERYWHERE.
I've already started filling out my pants a little better. :)
I buy a half baguette most mornings for .55 Euros
At most cafés the tables and chairs are very neatly lined up like this...
for People watching, of course.
And here's a pretty little Café near where i live... actually it's a pretty huge café

This is a cool old fountain surrounded by cafés... it's very old, and i don't really know anyting about it. All I know is that Obama had coffee in the place to the left of it. However, I've heard that the pastries there aren't that great.

This is the Ecole Militaire. It overlooks the Champs de Mars,
accross wich stands the Tour Eiffel.

And this is "Les Invalides" I believe it was a war hospital at one point.
I really should have researched this stuff before posting....

Et Voila, here is a typical view from one of the streets in my neighborhood.

In Corde Jesu,


S said...

Maybe the French kid was just a little sketched out that you were photographing him. ;)

S said...

Awesome pictures, by the way.

Sandieness said...

Thanks Sean... But i didn't take any of these pics eh... I'm still waiting for my camera charger to arrive from Canada.... So i haven't taken a single picture since my arrival (it's killing me!!!) but thanks to Google i was able to find a bunch of pics of stuff i woudl have taken pictures of. :)

S said...

Ahhh, now I get it.
